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The 2024 submission windows for the print edition of the magazine Oxford Poetry are:

  • 01 February – 30 April (issue 98)
  • 01 September – 30 November (issue 99) [CURRENTLY OPEN]

Submissions to the 2024 Oxford Poetry Prize were accepted between 01 May – 31 August 2024.

Submissions to Pain poetry journal are currently closed.

The submissions window for issue 99 of Oxford Poetry is open between 01 September – 30 November 2024.

We welcome submissions of poems, lyrical essays, and articles with a literary focus. We publish work by emerging as well as established writers, and all submissions are read by the editors. Our issues are not themed beyond focusing on poetry – we welcome work on any subject. We cannot offer individual feedback, but we do aim to respond to submissions within three months. If you are interested in writing a review, please get in touch by email instead. If you are a low-income writer and would like to request free entry, please email us at editors(at)
Submission guidelines

  • We will consider a maximum of 3 poems per submission. Send all poems together in a single document.
  • We prefer to receive submissions as PDFs.
  • An ideal length for articles and essays is around 2000–3000 words, but there is some flexibility.
  • Work submitted must be unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are fine but please let us know as soon as your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Include a short biographical note in your cover letter in the space provided. Do not attach an additional cover letter.
  • If you need to withdraw a poem in your submission, please send us a message through Submittable only, saying which poem you would like to withdraw. Note that if you click Withdraw, you are withdrawing your entire submission from consideration, not just a single poem.
Partus Press